Your Living Room’s Best Friend: Tips on Choosing the Ideal Armchair

“Home, sweet home,” they say – but “home, comfortable home” is perhaps even better. And what spells comfort better than a perfectly chosen armchair nestled in the corner of your living room, ready to embrace you after a long day? While there may be more armchair styles than there are fish in the sea, finding that one, true “soulmate” of an armchair is an adventure worth undertaking. So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on an exciting armchair-selecting journey!

The Size of the Matter

Ever tried squeezing an elephant into a Mini Cooper? No? Good, because that’s the visual equivalent of crowding an over-sized armchair into a tiny living room. Size does matter when it comes to your future comfort throne. An armchair should complement your room, not overpower it or get lost in it. Make sure to measure the space you have in mind and check it against the dimensions of the chair. Remember, you’ll also need some “breathing space” around it to avoid a cluttered look.

Material World

Next up, let’s dive into the exciting world of materials. Think about your lifestyle and match it with the right material. Do you have kids or pets that might turn your armchair into their playground? In that case, a durable, easy-to-clean material might be your best bet. If you’re all about luxury and comfort, nothing beats the plush touch of velvet or the classy look of leather. Just remember, there’s no such thing as a perfect material – it’s all about what works for you and your lifestyle!

Style Symphony

Armchairs come in an overwhelming array of styles. From modern, clean lines to regal, tufted designs; from sleek Scandinavian wooden models to extravagant Baroque-style thrones, the sky’s the limit. Your armchair should harmonise with the style of your living room like a beautifully composed symphony. Got a modern room? Consider a sleek armchair with metal accents. A more traditional or rustic space might sing with a Chesterfield armchair in distressed leather. Let your room’s style guide your choice!

Comfort is Key

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter. The main function of an armchair is to provide comfort. It’s the place you’ll retreat to with a hot cup of tea and a good book, or to watch your favourite show. An armchair that looks fabulous but feels like a rock might win a beauty pageant, but it’s not going to make your evenings any cozier. So, don’t forget to consider factors like seat depth, firmness, and armrest height.

The Practical Factor

Finally, consider the practical aspects. Will this armchair be a reading nook, an extra seat for guests, or a focal point of your interior design? Do you want it to swivel or include a recliner? These considerations can drastically change what type of chair you opt for.

Finding the perfect armchair is like finding the perfect partner – it might take a bit of time and patience, but when you find ‘the one’, it’s oh-so worth it! Hopefully, this guide has turned you into an armchair-choosing wizard, ready to conquer the vast world of armchairs and bring home the throne of your dreams. Good luck, and happy armchair hunting!